What does a major election loss in Australia, Brexit, and the rise Trump have in common? Besides setbacks for mitigating the climate crisis, in each country there is the pernicious presence of king maker Rupert Murdoch’s media empire. His network of sensationalistic newspapers, TV networks, and satellite systems are leaving a trail of scorched earth politics in which climate denial and white supremacy strengthen right-wing political movements. But this is just part of the problem. In the USA, there was a drop in coverage of 45 percent by the three major TV networks (Fox decreased from just 260 minutes in 2017 to 142 minutes in 2018). This is why if you want to do something about the climate, media reform has to be in the mix. Like laws governing environmental protections, media reform means intervention into how the media system is regulated and financed. It also means that media organizations themselves need to change their internal practices.